What is
WannaCry Ransomware?
is a type of virus that once it infects your computer, you are pretty much
screwed. It encrypts all of your files on the computer and sends the key to the
attackers and then erases it locally from the victim machine so that there is
no way to unlock those files unless u pay the ransom. Now the people who create
these virus usually require the ransom to be paid through Bitcoin wallet
because its untraceable and they have access to the currency without any kind
of federal agency being able to track them down. Now the sad thing about this
is once your computer is infected with
this virus, you are done. You are not
getting your files back unfortunately, unless u pay the ransom and even then
there is a slim chance that you are
going to actually get the key from them to decrypt your files. Most of
the time they just take the and don’t even bother to email you the key.
Source …
Now a bunch of analyst are saying this is
connected to the massive spy tool leak
from US’s NSA which is National Security Agency that happened a couple of weeks
ago. A hacker group named shadow broker
was able to obtain hacker tools from NSA without their knowledge and then they
released them to the world. Now these particular hacking tools that NSA
had exploited vulnerabilities in Windows
OS that not even Microsoft knew about.
This is
such a bad virus that started from code that NSA created with exploits that
Microsoft couldn’t even find. So that kind of gives you the idea the level of
code we’re dealing with and now its been weaponized and deployed to the world
and the ransom that they are asking for
is 300$ to get the decryption key and so far.
Effect and Consequences
The WannaCry needs to be a wake up call for
all many security experts predicted for this year for a increase in ransomware
infections in particularly on soft targets with low security budgets like small
organisations, public sectors, hospitals etc.
Well it looks like a day of reckoning is here for
many but with the spread of WannaCry ransomware aka Wanna Decrypter aka W Cry
and you may well if u get this on your system which encrypts the victims file
and holds a ransom unless amount is paid in Bitcoins. Wanncry first appeared around
February 2017. But as now being updated
looking different to previous versions it has infected tens of thousands of
computers in over 150 countries and is spreading. Currently according to Avast
most of the infections are coming from Russia, Ukraine, India and Taiwan.
number is still counting , you can watch it spreading if u go to this URL(https://intel.malwaretech.com/botnet/wcrypt/?t=lm&bid=all)
Here you can see there is a map of the current infections or at least known
by Intel.
The WannaCry
ransomware attacks are initiated using a SMB version 2 remote code execution in
the Windows OS. This means it acts as a worm and moves from victim machines to
victim machine as long as those machines are vulnerable. Each machine searching
for new victims, meaning it spreads like wildfire.
stolen NSA eternal blue exploit which was made publicly available through the
Shadow Broker dumped on April the 14th 2017, could have been used to weaponize the ransomware to
exploit the SMB version remote code vulnerability.
the ransomware was likely to be distributed through Phishing attacks or the
simple mechanisms so it could be clicking on a link and opening a archive that
has been sent by email.
How It
Works ?
WannaCry shows a timer countdown warning that the payment amount will be raised
after 3 days and the victim will completely lose it personal files after 7 days
. The transactions statistics of Bitcoin wallets used by WannaCry creators show
that some of the victims have already
paid the ransom.
Who are
going to be attacked?
So who is
at risk, anyone running operating system which are listed in the patch
announcement and has not installed this patch. This patch was released by
Microsoft March the 14th 2017. However many public organisations
have not yet installed the patch to their systems.
So how
can you prevent WannaCry infection. Well you need to install the official
Windows patch MS 17-010 which closes the SMB server vulnerability used in this
ransomware attack. So if you have got the
latest Windows Update then you are protected and you don’t need to install this
patch separately. You want to scan all your system and you want to make sure
that MS 17-010 is patched and installed and importantly you need to make sure
that all of your system are backed-up . All important data should be backed up
on drives which are not accessible via your regular system. So it is preferred
to make the backup on external hard-drives now or you can use cloud storage if
u have any short of backup like that’s in Dropbox that can just get encrypted
as well or all the types of syncing backup services you want to backup in a way
so that it is isolated from your regular system.
and organisations need to take security
seriously because attackers are only going to become more ingenious ,
ransomware is only going to become more widespread and more damaging so please
pass your systems now .
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