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Showing posts from May, 2017

WannaCry Ransomware Attack !!

What is WannaCry Ransomware? Ransomware is a type of virus that once it infects your computer, you are pretty much screwed. It encrypts all of your files on the computer and sends the key to the attackers and then erases it locally from the victim machine so that there is no way to unlock those files unless u pay the ransom. Now the people who create these virus usually require the ransom to be paid through Bitcoin wallet because its untraceable and they have access to the currency without any kind of federal agency being able to track them down. Now the sad thing about this is   once your computer is infected with this virus, you are done. You are  not getting your files back unfortunately, unless u pay the ransom and even then there is a slim chance that you are  going to actually get the key from them to decrypt your files. Most of the time they just take the and don’t even bother to email you the key. Source … ????  Now a bunch of ...