Gearing up the move towards Digital India , Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently launched e-wallet app BHIM( Bharat Interface for Money ) , which is named after Dr B.R. Ambedkar according to the sources. PM Narendra Modi mentioned that BHIM app is launched for making transactions more easy and reliable. BHIM is Aadhaar based mobile payment service through which various transactions can be done. The app BHIM was launched at Digi Dhan Mela which was held in Delhi. It is basically refurbished version of UPI (Unified Payments Interface) and USSD (Unstructured Supplementary Service Data) This service can be used on a smartphone or a regular basic feature phone . At present it is available on Play Store for Android Devices , later it will be available on App Store also for iOS devices ( Can't say anything about Windows Phone 😋 ). To use BHIM one needs to register their respective account with the app and generate UPI code for further transactions . T...