Intex has introduced its all new Intex Aqua Twist smartphone. The company has now listed the smartphone Intex Aqua Twist on its official site. The company is coming with a price tag of Rs. 5,199 and is expected to launch in coming few days. The most striking feature of Intex Aqua Twist is its rotating 5-megapixel camera, which are now a days seen in mid range smartphones, The rotating camera camera can be both used as front and rear camera. Intex Aqua smart sports a 5- inch IPS display having a resolution of 480*854. The smartphone runs on Android 5.1 Lollipop. It can store upto 8 GB of data and it can be expanded to 32 GB. The new Intex's smartphone is coupled with 1 GB of RAM clocked at 1.3 GHz quad-core MediaTek MT6580 SoC. The new Intex Aqua Twist is a dual-sim smartphone , juiced with a 2200mAh battery. It is boosted up by proximity sensor, ambient light sensor and accelerometer. The smartphone is available in Black and White variant