Airtel's 4G offer that was exclusively launched for Samsung Galaxy J series smartphone is now available for all 4G band supported smarthphones. According to the mentioned offer users can avail 10 GB 4G data on their new 4G smartphone. Airtel, the telecommunication giant has made the announcement that anyone purchasing new 4G smartphone can get 10 GB 4G data at Rs. 259 only, irrespective of brand. Aftre paying Rs. 259 you can get 10 GB 4G/3G according to your circle.Let's get into some detail. You can avail the above offer within 30 day of your purchase of new 4G supporting smartphone. Your account will be credited with 1 GB 4G/3G at the moment. To avail rest of your data that is 9GB you have to download and access MyAirtel app through your smartphone and thereafter you can get your complete package. The validity will be of 28 days only. The hidden condition over here is that one user can have only 3 recharges within span of 90 days. Now ending my article wit...